I have created one application in which Main Form Calls Sub Form on FormShow event of Main Form. Sub Form is displayed and gives two options to choose. If First option on sub form is selected then then a Message is displayed and after that Main form will be displayed. Now when application runs on first time then after option selected on subform Meassage will be displayed. But i want to display message with Main Form as Background. So any solution to this. below is the FormShow code.
Procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender:TObject);
if (SubForm.ShowModal = mrOK) and bOption1 then
ShowMessage('Enter the value');
If I understand correctly then your problem is that when the message box show up your main form is still invisible.
If this is the case then you have two options:
from the OnShow
event of the main form, but at a later timeShowModal
returns, but at a later timeFor point number 2 you can use a similar approach as I suggested here, using PostMessage
. So your code would look somethind like this:
procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender:TObject);
if (SubForm.ShowModal = mrOK) and bOption1 then
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_SHOWMYDIALOG, 0, 0);
The handler of WM_SHOWMYDIALOG
then displays the actual message. This approach can also work for point 1, see ain's answer.
posts a message to your application's message queue which will be processed after the main form finished becoming visible.