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onEdit() not called when i do test deployment

i am creating google sheets addon, according to google docs

onEdit is a simple trigger which doesnt need to be installed

this is my

function onOpen() {
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi() // Or DocumentApp or SlidesApp or FormApp.
      .createMenu('Custom Menu')
      .addItem('Show alert', 'showAlert')

function showAlert() {

function onEdit() {
  console.log("on edit called")

and clicked on test deployment and opened the spreadsheet which i have full access to



however onEdit doesnt seem to be called when i edit the values in spreadsheet ( doesnt show on execution logs too), what should be done for simple triggers to work ?


  • Test deployment doesn't help to test Google Workspace Editor Add-ons, they are intended to be used with Google Workspace Add-ons that are a different kind of add-ons.

    To test an Editor add-on you might use the now called "Classic Editor" and use Run > Test as add-on. For details see

    NOTE: I have not found helpful Run > Test as add-on. I prefer to use a bounded script to do some of the early tests on the bounded spreadsheet, then publish the editor add-on for internal use only (this requires a Google Workspace account) for doing other tests when they are really needed.

    It's worthy to mention that Editor add-ons might be installed, enabled or installed and enabled.

    The installation is done once by user.

    The add-on should be enabled on each spreadsheet (or document, or form, or presentation) before they can be used. In order to be able to enable the add-on there should be a custom menu at least with one option.