Lately when using Jupyter Notebook in VS Code to write some assignments for my studies I ran into a quite annoying problem - whenever there is a mistake in my code cell that prevents it from running, the "traceback" (or however you call it) to the place where the error persists is colored with a high-contrast marker (the color depends on the theme used) and makes the content pretty much invisible unless you manually "select" it with the mouse coursor. Is there any way I could fix it without going too much in-depth into VSCode/Jupyter Notebook extension settings?
The highlighting looks like shown below.
I tried all the themes preinstalled with VS Code such as Monokai, Solarized Light etc., and also a custom theme of my choice called Dracula.
Thanks in advance.
I also have this problem. It looks like they fixed it less than 1 month ago as of writing this, so it may go away if you update to a recent pre-release of Jupyter in VS Code. Personally, I am going to live with it until the next stable release.
My version of Jupyter in VS Code: Screenshot of Jupyter Versions
Screenshot of vscode-jupyter github: Screenshot of vscode-jupyter github