I'm likely the nth person to have asked this question but am having trouble parsing the relevant documentation; I want to add a modal dialogue to a button declared with a function in Jinja2.
The code for the form where I want the modal to be called is below - the modal should be called when the shutdown button (last line) is pressed, to confirm this action.
<form class="form form-horizontal" method="post" role="form"
style="text-align: center;">
{{ power_form.hidden_tag() }}
{% if power_status == "None" %}
{{ power_form.power_on(class_="btn btn-default") }}
{{ power_form.power_cycle(class_="btn btn-default") }}
{{ power_form.power_off(class_="btn btn-default") }}
The modal dialogue is called 'Shutdown Confirmation' and has been declared later. I am unsure how to call it as online examples show the button declaration is used instead of the {{. Here is the bootstrap documentation for this:
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-bs-
toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#exampleModal">
Launch demo modal
With Bootstrap 5 you can activate the modal panel by data attributes or JS API. I assume you want to use the data-attribute method.
With WTForms you can pass any attribute to the rendered element, just replace any dash with underscore (because Python syntax), and WTForms will change them back to dashes:
{{ power_form.power_off(type="button", class_="btn btn-default", data_bs_toggle="modal" data_bs_target="#exampleModal") }}
Change the #exampleModal
to the corresponding selector of your modal element. We also change the type of the button from the default submit
to simple button
, so it wont submit the form, just open the modal window.