I am having a problem with getting an sql query to interpolate as I would want, and would be grateful for some help please.
Within the manual page for pg_query_params,there is a code example for pg_query() passing a variable using curly braces. This appeared to be exactly what I need for my task. So, my code is as follows:
$fh = fopen('/home/www/KPI-Summary.sql',"r")
or die("Problem opening SQL file.\n");
$dbh = pg_connect("$connect")
or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error());
$j = 0;
while (($line = fgets($fh)) !== false) {
$tmp[$j] = array(); // Initialise temporary storage.
$result = pg_query($dbh, $line); // process the line read.
if (!$result) { echo "Error: query did not execute"; }
while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) { // Read sql result.
$tmp[$j][2][] = $row;
The sql file contains several queries, one per line, like this:
SELECT count(*) from table WHERE value=0 AND msgid='{$arg[1]}';
However, currently, my variable is not being replaced by the contents -- and therefore although the query runs OK, it is returning zero rows. What do I need to do in order to get the expected result? (Note: each sql line varies, and the query parameters are not constant -- hence using variable(s) within the sql file.)
OK. I have a solution (although it might not be the correct approach). This works -- but it needs polish I think. Suggestions regarding a better regexp would be very much appreciated.
$bar = 'VALUE-A'; // Can we replace simple variable names?
$arg[1] = 'VALUE-B'; // What about an array, such as $arg[1]?
function interpolate($matches){
global $bar;
global $arg;
if ($matches[2]) {
$i = isset(${$matches[1]}[$matches[2]]) ? ${$matches[1]}[$matches[2]] : 'UNDEF';
} else {
$i = isset(${$matches[1]}) ? ${$matches[1]} : 'UNDEF';
return $i;
$fh = fopen('/home/www/file.sql',"r") or die("Failed.\n");
while (($line = fgets($fh)) !== false) {
$line = preg_replace_callback('|\{\$([a-z]+)\[*(\d*)\]*}|i', "interpolate", $line);
echo $line; // and continue with rest of code as above.
(Of course, the solution suggests that the question title is completely wrong. Is there any way to edit this?)