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Adding Health Check to .NET Isolated Azure Function

I could not find any resources to add health checks to a HTTPTrigger function app, running in .NET 5.0 Isolated.

static async Task Main()
    var host = new HostBuilder()
        .ConfigureAppConfiguration(configurationBuilder =>
        .ConfigureServices((builder, services) =>
            var configuration = builder.Configuration;
            // Add healthcheck here
            // ...
            // Map health checks

    await host.RunAsync();

This guide states I can add MapHealthChecks (but in core)

var app = builder.Build();



How do I translate this to run in my dotnet-isolated application?


  • app.MapHealthChecks("/healthz");

    The line above under the hood creates ASP CORE middleware and injects IHealthCheckService to call CheckHealthAsync() and return HTTP response. In the Azure Function you can:

    • Inject IHealthCheckService to constructor, call CheckHealthAsync() and return response.

        private readonly IHealthCheckService _healthCheck;
        public DependencyInjectionFunction(IHealthCheckService healthCheck)
            _healthCheck = healthCheck;
        public async Task<HttpResponseData> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestData req,
            FunctionContext context)
             var healthStatus = await _healthCheck.CheckHealthAsync();
             #format health status and return HttpResponseData
    • Implement your own azure function middleware, check for path '/healthz then resolve IHealthCheckService and return health status immediately