Here's a simplified version of something I'm trying to implement in Coq. I have an inductive type, say foo
, whose constructor takes in another type A
, and a function with inputs in A
Inductive foo :=
| constructor (A : Type) (f : A -> bool).
I also have a function which, given an object of type foo
, tells me what type was used to construct it.
Definition foo_type (x : foo) :=
match x with
| constructor A f => A
So far so good. But now, I want to define a function which takes in an object x
of type foo
and an object y
of type foo_type x
, and returns the f y
, where f
is the function used in the constructor of x
Definition foo_func (x : foo) (y : (foo_type x)) :=
match x with
| constructor A f => f y
However, this doesn't work. Coq tells me that there is a type error: y
is of type foo_type x
, when it should be of type A
Now, I know that foo_type x
evaluates to A
in this situation. Using this stackoverflow question, I found a function I can use that takes as input an equality of types A=B
and an element a:A
and returns a
, but of type B
. However, to make use of this, I need to be able to obtain the equality foo_type x = A
within the match
part of my function definition. This boils down to obtaining the equality x = constructor A f
So: within a match x with
statement in my definition, is it possible to extract the equality x = constructor A f
? How can I do this? Or is there another way to get around this issue?
You need to use dependent pattern matching (an give some information to Coq) to get an equality proof between a term and its pattern-matched content:
match x as x0 return x = x0 -> ... with
| pat => fun (e : x = pat) => ...
| ...
end eq_refl
On the outside of the match construct, you can build a term eq_refl : x = x
that is refined during pattern matching. This is called the convoy pattern in Certified programming with dependent types.
In your case however there is a related, slightly simpler alternative, still using dependent pattern matching:
Definition foo_func (x : foo) (y : (foo_type x)) :=
match x as x0 return foo_type x0 -> bool with
| constructor A f => fun y => f y
end y.