I'm trying to deploy a Lambda function which is triggered by AWS MSK Kafka. I came across this error - Role and event source must be in the same account as the cloud function
Does this mean that the AWS MSK and the Lambda must be under the same account ? Isn't there a way to workaround that?
And in case there isn't a workaround:
Thanks in advance.
From https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/lambda-cross-account-kinesis-stream/
Lambda doesn't currently support cross-account triggers from Kinesis or any stream-based sources.
To get around this, you can follow the recommended architecture from the above link. While it is for Kinesis, the overall structure should remain the same for Kakfa:
The above link contains a warning that some benefits of Kinesis Data Streams are not available with this solution, you will need to evaluate whether the same applies for MSK Kafka.