Lets say we have three classes
class Father:
def __init__(self, father_name) -> None:
self.father_name = father_name
def name(self):
print(f"Father name : {self.father_name}")
class Mother:
def __init__(self, mother_name) -> None:
self.mother_name = mother_name
def name(self):
print(f"Mother name : {self.mother_name}")
class Son(Father, Mother):
def __init__(self, father_name, mother_name):
Father.__init__(self, father_name)
Mother.__init__(self, mother_name)
me = Son('Jamie', 'Jack', 'Linda')
The output is :
Father name : Jack
How do I call name method from Mother class instead of Father class without changing the function name so the output would be :
Mother name : Linda
There is a bunch of problems in your code.
Father.__init__(self, father_name)
Mother.__init__(self, mother_name)
You should use:
super(Father, self).__init__(self, father_name)
super(Mother, self).__init__(self, mother_name)
(Assuming you really want to have inheritance here)
Father's name
method is called because of something called MRO (method resolution order). Worth a read, but not something you should try to modify. If you only ever want to call Mother's name and not Father's, it's a simple matter of saying Son(Mother, Father)
instead of Son(Father, Mother)
As mentioned by @Mark, this is not a reasonable use case for inheritance. Child has parents, not is parents.
All in all, if you want to do it with inheritance, that's what I'd suggest:
class Son(Mother, Father):
def __init__(self, father_name, mother_name):
super(Father, self).__init__(self, father_name)
super(Mother, self).__init__(self, mother_name)
def name(self, ParentClass):
return super(ParentClass, self).name()
me = Son('Jack', 'Linda')
But, I think a much more reasonable way is using attributes.
class Son():
def __init__(self, father_name, mother_name):
self.father = Father(father_name)
self.mother = Mother(mother_name)
me = Son('Jack', 'Linda')
Or, even better, create a Son with already existing Parent objects. That way you can create multiple people with same parents.
class Son():
def __init__(self, father, mother):
self.father = father
self.mother = mother
mother = Mother('Linda')
father = Father('Jack')
me = Son(mother, father)