I am trying to find shortest path between graph nodes using Dijkstra's Algorithm, by using the code enclosed in the following article:
But this code creates the graph from an edgelist. Instead I would like to create the graph from a dataframe like this:
actors <- data.frame(name=c("Alice", "Bob", "Cecil", "David",
relations <- data.frame(from=c("Bob", "Cecil", "Cecil", "David",
"David", "Esmeralda"),
to=c("Alice", "Bob", "Alice", "Alice", "Bob", "Alice"),
g <- graph_from_data_frame(relations, directed=TRUE, vertices=actors)
How could I modify the code of the article in such a way the code works on a graph defined starting from a dataframe (and not from an edgelist)?
I know there are features of the igraph package that would be able to calculate shortest paths, but I would like to try to write some code outside the package.
Thank you!
These are my dataframes:
structure(list(From = c("France", "Italy", "Malta", "Spain",
"Germany", "Austria", "Luxembourg", "Luxembourg", "Luxembourg",
"Greece", "Slovakia", "Belgium", "Luxembourg", "Estonia", "Germany",
"Netherlands", "Netherlands", "Cyprus", "Greece", "Lithuania",
"Estonia", "Greece", "Lithuania", "Slovakia", "Netherlands",
"Luxembourg", "Estonia", "Malta", "Belgium", "Cyprus", "Austria",
"Estonia", "Austria", "Germany", "Austria", "Netherlands", "Portugal",
"Portugal", "Estonia", "Italy", "Spain", "Finland", "Belgium",
"Spain", "Estonia", "Latvia", "Luxembourg", "Luxembourg", "Netherlands",
"Italy", "Lithuania", "Cyprus", "Ireland", "Luxembourg", "Ireland",
"Spain", "Belgium", "Latvia", "Netherlands", "Italy", "Slovenia",
"Netherlands", "Greece", "Spain", "Austria", "Finland", "Malta",
"Spain", "Austria", "Lithuania", "France", "Portugal", "Cyprus",
"Finland", "Spain", "Spain", "Belgium", "Germany", "Germany",
"Greece", "Netherlands", "Luxembourg", "Estonia", "Ireland",
"Italy", "Portugal", "Greece", "Estonia", "Belgium", "Germany",
"Slovenia", "Slovakia", "Lithuania", "Slovenia", "Portugal",
"Portugal", "Slovakia", "France", "Portugal", "Netherlands"),
To = c("Slovakia", "Germany", "Portugal", "Austria", "Latvia",
"Cyprus", "Portugal", "Greece", "Italy", "Slovenia", "Ireland",
"Malta", "Ireland", "Germany", "Cyprus", "Portugal", "Slovenia",
"Italy", "Luxembourg", "France", "Slovakia", "Netherlands",
"Greece", "France", "Ireland", "Netherlands", "Cyprus", "Germany",
"Portugal", "Austria", "Luxembourg", "Austria", "Spain",
"Netherlands", "Belgium", "Cyprus", "Cyprus", "Luxembourg",
"Finland", "Belgium", "Lithuania", "Austria", "Spain", "Slovenia",
"Luxembourg", "Finland", "Slovenia", "Germany", "Austria",
"Slovenia", "Slovenia", "Portugal", "Finland", "Lithuania",
"Latvia", "France", "Netherlands", "Cyprus", "Spain", "Malta",
"France", "Finland", "Belgium", "Latvia", "Slovenia", "Slovenia",
"Cyprus", "Slovakia", "Slovakia", "Latvia", "Austria", "Ireland",
"Luxembourg", "Belgium", "Italy", "Estonia", "Greece", "Slovakia",
"Belgium", "Italy", "Latvia", "Malta", "Greece", "France",
"Greece", "Netherlands", "France", "Slovenia", "Latvia",
"Finland", "Austria", "Slovenia", "Belgium", "Cyprus", "Greece",
"Slovenia", "Cyprus", "Finland", "Malta", "Germany"), `1995` = c(274959716,
42345007970, 52361033, 784003104, 363593773, 26339142, 70240364.9716237,
66160839.8751728, 570402199.020507, 48087089, 7213761, 51841984.7433951,
17654753.3588222, 172147969, 510653861, 1490942352, 236034017,
21599848, 8237002.21796104, 78753113, 1785782, 317673116,
1997651, 191502494, 1085060805, 397894640.417207, 3278854,
311533699, 1120849630.02838, 16319437, 83172852.11371, 7429991,
1130916439, 37969299820, 893625108.88629, 85666548, 20013832,
34463454.0875298, 391203046, 6317180664.31942, 19705368,
392268361, 4455785372.87273, 222358956, 411505.596673383,
52421883, 15725678.4821813, 1822047157.86885, 2459346931,
1876562166, 808113, 1124090, 266044676, 2248412.10389544,
7378082, 18441136707, 20732500726.5828, 2916590, 4946996508,
1165517054, 737293168, 1253219429, 234340068.782039, 10770159,
966929910, 40043392, 1231347, 76204779, 564056237, 152914849,
3269662990, 108614454, 2313081.15506869, 1189550231.54615,
8097112911, 15174304, 877483944.124827, 2135381409, 28188202490.5877,
1524668022, 84865417, 1965397.25660491, 1384674, 3699841535,
4383865473, 1233064242, 664865392, 183091, 42970685.557638,
4742184966, 550250520, 102947427, 49519226.4265594, 5273729,
105863344, 5888705, 10907803, 1170153350, 20869834, 43104477514
)), row.names = c(NA, -100L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl",
> dput(actors)
c("Slovakia", "Germany", "Portugal", "Austria", "Latvia", "Cyprus",
"Greece", "Italy", "Slovenia", "Ireland", "Malta", "Luxembourg",
"France", "Netherlands", "Spain", "Belgium", "Finland", "Lithuania",
Perhaps you can try this
graph_from_data_frame(relations, vertices = data.frame(name = actors))