What functions in R can recursively "reduce" the rows of a dataframe? I'm thinking of a function like Reduce()
, but that accepts a dataframe instead of a vector, and a function that accepts each row of the dataframe and an accumulator.
Consider the following example that creates a dataframe that contains the price and quantity of a list of purchases and uses Reduce()
to calculate the running total cost.
purchases = data.frame(
price = c(1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.10, 1.80),
quantity = c(100, 80, 50, 20, 90)
#> price quantity
#> 1 1.50 100
#> 2 1.75 80
#> 3 2.00 50
#> 4 2.10 20
#> 5 1.80 90
purchase_costs <- purchases$quantity * purchases$price
#> [1] 150 140 100 42 162
total_cost <- Reduce(
function(total_cost, cost) { total_cost + cost },
accumulate = TRUE
#> [1] 150 290 390 432 594
Created on 2022-02-01 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
What functions in R similar to Reduce()
might calculate this running total cost by recursively processing each purchase in the dataframe rather than each cost in a vector of costs? Such a Reduce()
function might resemble the following:
total_cost <- Reduce(
function(total_cost, purchase) { total_cost + purchase["quantity"] * purchase["price"] },
accumulate = TRUE
by itself isn't going to operate row-wise like you want: it works well on a simple vector or list
, but not on rows of a frame.
Try this frame-aware function:
Reduce_frame <- function(data, expr, init) {
expr <- substitute(expr)
out <- rep(init[1][NA], nrow(data))
for (rn in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
out[rn] <- init <- eval(expr, envir = data[rn,])
Reduce_frame(purchases, init + quantity*price, init=0)
# [1] 150 290 390 432 594