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Uncaught TypeError: object is not iterable -->using context with reducer

I am learning to use useContext and useReducer together but am getting an error I haven't managed to figure out:

Uncaught TypeError: object is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))

It occurred after destructuring the context inside MealItemForm.js. I tried setting default value in createContext, importing with and without curly braces etc. I am trying to dispatch the function inside children component. Any idea?


import React,{useContext} from 'react';
import MeatContext from '../store/meat-context';
import Input from './Input';
import styles from "./MealItemForm.module.css"

function MealItemForm(props) {
  const [meatState,dispatchMeatState]=useContext(MeatContext)
  const handleClick=(event)=>{

  return (
      <form className={styles.form}>
          <button onClick={handleClick}>+ Add</button>

export default MealItemForm;


import React,{useReducer,useState} from 'react';

const MeatContext = React.createContext({meatState:[]});

export function MeatContextProvider(props) {
  const meatReducer = (state, action) => {
    if (action.type === 'ADD_MEAT') {
      return [...meatState];

    return {  };
  const [meatState, dispatchMeatState] = useReducer(meatReducer,

  return (
<MeatContext.Provider value={{meatState:meatState,dispatchMeatState:dispatchMeatState}}>

export default MeatContext


  • The value provided to Context is an object


    But you're using array destructuring while getting the values

    const [meatState, dispatchMeatState ] = useContext(MeatContext)

    Using object destructuring should solve it,

    const { meatState, dispatchMeatState } = useContext(MeatContext)