I have an issue when connecting to my Salesforce account using JSforce and OAuth2 in my NestJS (Typescript) application.
Here is my login code:
async login(@Req() req, @Res() res, @Param('userId') userId) {
const user = await this.userService.findById(userId);
const oauth2 = new OAuth2({
loginUrl: user.salesforceOauthInformation.loginUrl,
clientId: user.salesforceOauthInformation.clientId,
clientSecret: user.salesforceOauthInformation.clientSecret,
redirectUri: user.configService.salesforceRedirectUri,
scope: 'api full id web refresh_token',
state: user.id,
Here is my callback code:
async callback(@Query('code') code: string, @Query('state') state: string) {
const user = await this.userService.findById(state);
const oauth2 = new OAuth2({
loginUrl: user.salesforceOauthInformation.loginUrl,
clientId: user.salesforceOauthInformation.clientId,
clientSecret: user.salesforceOauthInformation.clientSecret,
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:4000/crm/auth/salesforce/callback',
const connection = new Connection({
try {
await connection.authorize(code);
await this.userService.update(user.id, {
salesforceOauthInformation: {
loginUrl: connection.oauth2.loginUrl,
clientId: connection.oauth2.clientId,
clientSecret: connection.oauth2.clientSecret,
accessToken: connection.accessToken,
refreshToken: connection.refreshToken,
} catch (e) {
Here is the error throwing on await connection.authorize(code);
error: 17:44:50.228+01:00 [CrmService] unsupported_grant_type: grant type not supported
The error is that I was setting my loginUrl as
But the loginUrl must be set as my.salesforce.com domain instead of lightning.force.com
Solution found on this website: https://www.javaniceday.com/post/sfdx-error-authenticating-with-auth-code-due-to-grant-type-not-supported