Search code examples

Permanent Redirect of a variable URL

I'm having troubles with my .htaccess permanent redirection code which is not working:

RedirectPermanent ^shop/?attro-attributes=([0-9]*) http://www.second-website.example

I would like to redirect URLs from first-website:

  • first-website.example/shop/?attro-attributes=01
  • first-website.example/shop/?attro-attributes=02
  • first-website.example/shop/?attro-attributes=...
  • first-website.example/shop/?attro-attributes=9999

to second-website URL: http://www.second-website.example/


  • RedirectPermanent and other redirect directives from mod_alias have no access to the query string. Your match pattern can't contain the ? from the URL or match on anything after it.

    You'll instead have to use mod_rewrite which can access the query string via RewriteCond.

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} attro-attributes=[0-9]*
    RewriteRule ^/?shop/$ https://www.second-website.example/ [L,R=301]