Search code examples

How do I place a PRAW sort parameter as a function argument?

I want to perform sentiment analyses on various subreddits and consider both "new" and "hot" submissions. I'm able to do this in the following way:

# What I have
def new_submissions(sub):
   subreddit = reddit.subreddit(sub).new(limit=100)
   for submission in subreddit:
      # Do stuff
   return new_stuff

def hot_submissions(sub):
   subreddit = reddit.subreddit(sub).hot(limit=100)
   for submission in subreddit:
      # Do stuff
   return hot_stuff


Here, "do stuff" involves 40 lines of identical code. I'd like to reference the "sort by" parameter for subreddits (e,g, .new(), .hot()) as a function argument as shown below:

# What I want
def submissions(sub, sortby):
   subreddit = reddit.subreddit(sub).sortby(limit=100)
   for submission in subreddit:
      # Do stuff
   return stuff

submissions("subname", new)
submissions("subname", hot)

I have not had success in getting this to work. How should I approach this?


  • What you could do is

    def submissions(subreddit):
       for submission in subreddit:
          # Do stuff
       return stuff

    or if you want to do as you were looking for you could do:

    def submissions(sub, sortby):
        method_to_call = getattr(reddit.subreddit(sub), sortby)
        subreddit = method_to_call(limit=100)
        for submission in subreddit:
            # Do stuff
        return stuff
    # new and hot are strings to search for as attributes of the class
    submissions("funnyvideos", 'new')
    submissions("funnyvideos", 'hot')