I created a GET route in my back-end server which returns an image, depending on the GET query.
The route is working OK, and looking in the developer tools I can see the image preview correctly as expected - see below:
When I send this request via Postman, it also works fine and previews the image correctly!
The image data URI gotten via developer tools is a functional and valid URI, as follows:
The problem is, when I do an Ajax request to this GET route, and process the result, I'm getting a URI as follows:
This 'octet-stream' is not displayable in the browser as an image ( tag ), so it is useless for me.
The code I'm using to process this request in my application is as follows (simplified). Could you help me?
export const userGetProfilePhoto = async () => {
let ajaxReturn = await $.ajax({
url: `/getUserPhoto`,
type: 'get',
headers: {
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function () {
console.log('userGetProfilePhoto returned success');
error: function (xhr, status) {
console.error('userGetProfilePhoto returned error');
complete: function (xhr, status) {
let binaryData = [];
let blob = new Blob(binaryData, { type: "" });
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var a = new FileReader();
a.onload = function (e) {
Better late than never, here follows a functional jQuery request for this case:
export const userGetProfilePhoto = async (userUID, userToken) => {
let ajaxReturn = await $.ajax({
url: `/storage/getUserPhoto`,
type: 'get',
cache: true,
headers: { },
contentType: 'application/json',
data: { userUID }, //Query specific user picture
xhrFields: {
responseType: 'blob' //for arrayBuffer receiving
success: function () {
console.log('userGetProfilePhoto returned success');
error: function (xhr, status) {
console.error('userGetProfilePhoto returned error');
complete: function (xhr, status) {
let blob = new Blob([ajaxReturn], {});
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function (e) {
Just needed to add 'blob' to xhr responseType.