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Issue with y-ticks alignment in pandas bar chart

here is the data and code that I'm using to plot the bar chart as shown in the output plot. The issue is with y-ticks, I need to have y-ticks aligned in a vertical manner such that they cover/coincides with all four bars. If we use rot = 'some int value' the ticks rotate, but they do not exactly align vertically covering four bars.

Polymer Depth Residual time
HPAM7030 50 1159
HPAM7030 100 1638
HPAM7030 200 2170
HPAM7030 500 2718
APAM7525 50 2040
APAM7525 100 3101
APAM7525 200 4176
APAM7525 500 5270
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt['science', 'notebook', 'grid'])
df.pivot(index = 'Polymer', columns = 'Depth', values = 'Residual time').plot(kind='barh')
plt.title('Residual time of different polymers (2 year simulation)')
plt.ylabel("Type of Polymer")
plt.xlabel("Residual time (Days)")

output plot


  • I find it easier to use the Axes object returned by the pandas plotting method and set the y tick label alignment to 'center':

    ax = df.pivot(index = 'Polymer', columns = 'Depth', values = 'Residual time').plot(kind='barh', rot=90)
    ax.set_title('Residual time of different polymers (2 year simulation)')
    ax.set(ylabel="Type of Polymer",xlabel="Residual time (Days)")
    ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticklabels(), va="center")

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