I have the following array:
[0] => Array
[url] => https://website1.com/
[remote_address] => Array
[ip] =>
[port] => 443
[headers] => Array
[date] => Mon, 31 Jan 2022 11:16:30 GMT
[content-type] => text/html
[1] => Array
[url] => https://www.website1.com/
[remote_address] => Array
[ip] =>
[port] => 443
[headers] => Array
[date] => Mon, 31 Jan 2022 11:16:30 GMT
[content-encoding] => gzip
[2] => Array
[url] => https://www.website2.com/
[remote_address] => Array
[ip] =>
[port] => 443
[headers] => Array
[date] => Mon, 31 Jan 2022 11:16:30 GMT
[content-encoding] => br
[3] => Array
[url] => https://www.website3.com/
[remote_address] => Array
[ip] =>
[port] => 443
[headers] => Array
[date] => Mon, 31 Jan 2022 11:16:30 GMT
[content-encoding] => br
[4] => Array
[url] => https://www.website2.com/
[remote_address] => Array
[ip] =>
[port] => 443
[headers] => Array
[date] => Mon, 31 Jan 2022 11:16:30 GMT
[content-encoding] => gzip
[5] => Array
[url] => https://www.website4.com/
[remote_address] => Array
[ip] =>
[port] => 443
[headers] => Array
[date] => Mon, 31 Jan 2022 10:44:46 GMT
[content-encoding] => gzip
Using PHP (7.4) how can could I interate the array, find all IP:s and then count unique IP:s that is not the first IP in the array? Right know I'm kind of lost when trying to iterate and maybe that I'm thinking the array i multidimensional?
The "mother" IP that should not be included in the count could be fetched outside this array as an variable.
Any help appreciated, thanks.
So your problem appears to be you dont know how to iterate over an array.
A simple foreach loop would suffice here
// init the array to hold the ips and their counts.
$ips = [];
foreach( $bigArray as $inner ) {
$ip = $inner['remote_address']['ip']
if ( array_key_exists($ip, $ips) ) {
// we saw this IP before, so add 1 to count
} else {
// first time we saw this ip, create entry in ips array with count of zero
$ips[$ip] = ['count' => 0];
This copes with not counting the first occurance of the ip, if you want to count that one also just start the counter off at 1 instead of 0.