Any ideas how to create this list dinamically using some math functions or something? It looks really ugly like this. There isn't an exact pattern for how the colors are so I'm not sure how to do this. Help would be much appreciated.
val colorGradient = listOf(
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 1f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.95f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.95f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.95f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.9f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.9f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.9f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.85f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.85f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.85f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.85f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.8f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.8f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.7f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.7f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.6f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.55f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.5f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.5f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.4f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.3f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.2f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.1f),
backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.05f),
You could also start with a list of count of each gradient step:
val colorGradient = listOf(1, 3, 3, 4, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2)
.flatMapIndexed { index, count -> List(count) { (1 - (index * 5) / 100.0).toFloat() } }