I had few permission related issues due to my account being a one from organization. So decided to make use of "Import using existing resources". Please find the .json below that was used to create the publishing profile.
{ "name": "convAISubAuto", "environment": "dev", "tenantId": "TENANT_ID", "hostname": "subAutoConvAI", #Same as azure bot name "runtimeIdentifier": "win-x64", "resourceGroup": "chatbot", "botName": "subAutoConvAI", #Same as azure bot name "subscriptionId": "SUB_ID", "region": "westus", "appServiceOperatingSystem": "windows", "scmHostDomain": "", "luisResource": "convAIBoth", "settings": { "applicationInsights": { "InstrumentationKey": "", "connectionString": "" }, "cosmosDb": { "cosmosDBEndpoint": "", "authKey": "", "databaseId": "botstate-db", "containerId": "botstate-container" }, "blobStorage": { "connectionString": "", "container": "" }, "luis": { "authoringKey": "", "authoringEndpoint": "", "endpointKey": "", "endpoint": "", "region": "eastus" }, "qna": { "subscriptionKey": "", "endpoint": "" }, "MicrosoftAppId": "APP_ID", #Taken from Azure bot configurations screen "MicrosoftAppPassword": "***" #Taken from secret generated during app registration } }
The bot is getting published successfully. However, when i click on "Test in Web Chat" option inside the Azure Bot Resource, i am getting blank screen.
Also, inside the configuration for Azure bot... The endpoint mentioned was https://host_name/api/messages. I had to mention it as the field was blank.
Is there any issue with my publishing profile's JSON file?
The solution is as follows.
This solved the issue.