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blazor add parameters to templated component

I have a Blazor Popup that takes a template to show his content:


    HeaderText="@("Create" + Label)">

@code {
    public string? Label { get; set; }

    public RenderFragment EditForm { get; set; }

    bool CreatePopupVisible { get; set; }


to this component i pass an EditForm with 2 buttons that takes a function to handle the cancel option:


<EditForm Model="Entity" OnValidSubmit="@HandleValidSubmit">
    <DataAnnotationsValidator />
    <ValidationSummary />
    <div class="d-flex flex-column">
        <InputNumber id="factory-id" class="mt-2 mb-2" @bind-Value="Entity.Id" />
        <InputText id="factory-businessname" class="mt-2 mb-2" @bind-Value="Entity.BusinessName" />
        <InputText id="factory-address" class="mt-2 mb-2" @bind-Value="Entity.Address" />
        <div class="d-flex flex-row">
            <button class="btn btn-primary mt-2 mb-2 flex-grow-1" type="submit">Modifica</button>
            <button @onclick="HandleCancel" class="btn btn-secondary mt-2 mb-2 flex-grow-1" type="submit">Annulla</button>

@code {

    public Action HandleCancel { get; set; }

    public Factory Entity { get; set; }
    private void HandleValidSubmit()
        Logger.LogInformation("HandleValidSubmit called");

if i use the EditForm normally like this:


<CustomEditForm HandleCancel="()=>{}">

its all good but when i use it in a templated component how can i pass a function to him from inside the CustomPupup.razor file?

i need to pass a function to set CreatePopupVisible to false when someone clicks on the cancel button

ty in advance for the help!


ty for the help but i think i provided not enough information to get the right answer, my bad

so, i want to be able to call the CustomEditForm normally and passing a function defined by the parent to manage the HandleCancel like this:


@page ...

<Grid @ref="Grid">
//the grid has a method that closes this CustomEditForm
        <CustomEditForm HandleCancel="() => Grid.CancelRowEdit()"/>

but i also want to close the popup using a function defined inside himself like this:


        <CustomEditForm Entity="new Factory()"/>

in this case the edit form should handle the cancel by calling a CustomPopup defined method


  • It sounds like you just want to pass a reference to an internal method to the RenderFragment, which you can do with RenderFragment<Action> - as HandleCancel expects an Action it can invoke:

        HeaderText="@("Create" + Label)">
    @code {
        public string? Label { get; set; }
        public RenderFragment<Action> EditForm { get; set; }
        bool CreatePopupVisible { get; set; }
        void ClosePopup() 
            CreatePopupVisible = false;
            // Because this method will be called by some external code
            // You should tell this component to render:

    To use this, the markup can reference the context of the EditForm RenderFragment, which is an Action

            <CustomEditForm Entity="new Factory()" HandleCancel=@context/>

    Try it out