I have a long list of strings which are all random words, all of them capitalized, such as 'Pomegranate'
and 'Yellow Banana'
. However, some of them are stuck together, like so: 'AppleOrange'
. There are no special characters or digits.
What I need is a regular expression on Python that matches 'Apple'
and 'Orange'
separately, but not 'Pomegranate'
or 'Yellow'
As expected, I'm very new to this, and I've only managed to write r"(?<!\s)([A-Z][a-z]*)"
... But that still matches 'Yellow'
and 'Pomegranate'
. How do I do this?
If they all start with an uppercase char and optional lowercase chars, you can make use of lookarounds and an alternation to match both variations
The pattern matches:
Assert a-z to the left[A-Z][a-z]*
match A-Z and optional chars a-z|
match A-Z and optional chars a-z(?=[A-Z])
Assert A-Z to the rightExample
import re
pattern = r"(?<=[a-z])[A-Z][a-z]*|[A-Z][a-z]*(?=[A-Z])"
s = ("AppleOrange\nPomegranate Yellow Banana")
print(re.findall(pattern, s))
['Apple', 'Orange']
Another option could be getting out of the way what you don't want by matching it, and use a capture group for what you want to keep and remove the empty entries from the result:
import re
pattern = r"(?<!\S)[A-Z][a-z]*(?!\S)|([A-Z][a-z]*)"
s = ("AppleOrange\nPomegranate Yellow Banana")
print([x for x in re.findall(pattern, s) if x])