This might seem painfully easy, but say I create a Stata local macro called example:
local example "blah1 blah2 blah3"
I want to get just blah2 using the numerical index, in a way that might look like
in another language. How does one do this in Stata?
If you run this script you will see four ways of getting the second word.
local example "blah1 blah2 blah3"
* 1
tokenize "`example'"
di "`2'"
* 2
local example2 : word 2 of `example'
di "`example2'"
* 3
di "`: word 2 of `example''"
* 4
mata : words = tokens(st_local("example"))
mata : words[2]
In Stata (as opposed to Mata) the syntax words[2]
is perfectly legal so long as words
is a variable, meaning a column in the dataset, but a local macro in Stata is not a variable in that sense.
set obs 3
gen words = "blah" + strofreal(_n)
di words[2]