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How do you call an element in a local macro by index?

This might seem painfully easy, but say I create a Stata local macro called example:

local example "blah1 blah2 blah3"

I want to get just blah2 using the numerical index, in a way that might look like


in another language. How does one do this in Stata?


  • If you run this script you will see four ways of getting the second word.

    local example "blah1 blah2 blah3"
    * 1 
    tokenize "`example'"
    di "`2'"
    * 2 
    local example2 : word 2 of `example'
    di "`example2'"
    * 3 
    di "`: word 2 of `example''" 
    * 4 
    mata : words = tokens(st_local("example"))
    mata : words[2]

    In Stata (as opposed to Mata) the syntax words[2] is perfectly legal so long as words is a variable, meaning a column in the dataset, but a local macro in Stata is not a variable in that sense.

    set obs 3 
    gen words = "blah" + strofreal(_n) 
    di words[2]