I don't think this is possible, but i would like to know if there is any url that can re-direct me to a specific workflow in a standard logic app (single-tenant).
Why do i ask this, because in the consumption logic apps, if i provided someone with the url, they would go directly to the overview page where they would have information about the run history of the workflow and could trigger it.
That's not the case with standard logic apps. If i provide someone with an url, they would go to the logic app resource and not the workflow/s page. Azure doesn't seem to change the url if i click on workflows.
I guess they're missing this functionality? Or is there a way to turn around this?
Try the following steps:
Voila! You should get a direct link to the corresponding Standard Logic App Workflow's overview page.
Here is a sample URL format of a Logic App (Standard) Workflow: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_EMA/WorkflowMenuBlade/resourceId/%2Fsubscriptions%2Fxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx%2FresourceGroups%2Fmy-resourcegroup%2Fproviders%2FMicrosoft.Web%2Fsites%2Fmy-standard-logicapp-name%2Fworkflows%2Fmy-workflow-name/location/East%20US
Note: This URL format is for reference only. Please attempt the steps mentioned above to get the accurate url to the Workflow Overview page.