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Adding values in a YAML file via loop

As a part of the Kubernetes Resource Definition, I want to whitelist certain IPs. The list of IPs can be found by

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide --no-headers | awk '{print $7}'
#This prints something like

Now, In the Kubernetes deployment file (say deployment.yaml) I want to loop over these values and whitelist them. I know that we can whitelist by adding under loadBalancerSourceRanges like

#part of the deployment.yaml

I want to update the above loadBalancerSourceRanges to include the output of $ kubectl get nodes -o wide --no-headers | awk '{print $7}'

How do I go about it? Instead of hardcoding the host IPs, I would like to programatically include via bash or ansible or any other cleaner way possible.

Thanks in advance, JE


  • loadBalancerSourceRanges should be a part of Service, not Deployment

    You can use the following oneliner to patch your service dynamically:

    kubectl patch service YOUR_SERVICE_NAME -p "{\"spec\":{\"loadBalancerSourceRanges\": [$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range .items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")]}"{.address}/32",{end}' | sed 's/,*$//g')]}}"

    , where you should replace YOUR_SERVICE_NAME with actual service name

    To explain what's going on here:

    We are using kubectl patch to patch existing resource, in our case - spec.loadBalancerSourceRanges.

    • we are putting our subshell inside [$(..)], since loadBalancerSourceRanges requires array of strings
    • kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range .items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")]}"{.address}/32",{end}' - gets InternalIPs from your nodes, adds /32 to each of them, since loadBalancerSourceRanges requires ranges, encloses each range in " and then places coma between each value.
    • sed 's/,*$//g' - removes a trailing comma

    Using jsonpath is better thatn awk/cut because we are not dependent on kubectl column ordering and get only relevant for us information from API.

    I agree with @Kaffe Myers that you should try using kustomize or helm or other templating engines, since they should be a better suited for this job.