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Mongoose aggregate query to filter value from the ref collection

I have 2 collections as follow:


    "_id" : ObjectId("61f272dd1fac703fec69105a"),
    "eventActivity" : [  


    "_id" : ObjectId("61f76703196ea94bd43fa92e"),
    "activity" : ObjectId("61f2a69bfe99e07db083de50"),

Based on the collections above, event has eventActivity field which refers to event-activity collection. I'm trying to filter the event by the value of event-activity.activity.

So if for example my filtration selection has activity in an array ['61d6b2060d6fe32d9853ad40', '61f2a69bfe99e07db083de50'], it will return the event. If the filtration selection has activity id ['61d6b2060d6fe32d9853ad40'], it should not return any event as there is no event with that activity id from event-activity

I can't really understand how the aggregate lookup work but I tried this and it doesn't work.


I referred to the manual here

Or can it be done by find() instead?


  • Query

    • you can use lookup with pipeline and put the match inside
    • if the lookup result is empty you can remove or keep the document based on your needs, with something like this {"$match":{"$expr":{"$ne":["$activities", []]}}}

    Test code here
