I am trying to share the have the same x-axis for these two plots, but the sharex=true is not working as I thought it would.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,5),sharex=True)
ax = plt.subplot(211)
sns.lineplot(x ='Date', y = 'Air1', data = df, label = 'Temp °C')
ax = plt.subplot(212)
sns.lineplot(x ='Date', y = 'Air2', data = df, label = 'Temp °C')
Thanks in advance!
Can you try this code?
ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
sns.lineplot(x ='Date', y = 'Air1', data = df, label = 'Temp °C')
ax2 = plt.subplot(212)
sns.lineplot(x ='Date', y = 'Air2', data = df, label = 'Temp °C')
ax1.get_shared_x_axes().join(ax1, ax2)
I don't know your data but i tried it with my own created data and i got this output, please give feedback if it's wrong.