I have built a Sentence Boundary Detection Classifier. For the sequence labeling I used a conditional random field. For the hyperparameter optimization I would like to use RandomizedSearchCV. My training data consists of 6 annotated texts. I merge all 6 texts to a tokenlist. For the implementation I followed an example from the documentation. Here my simplified code:
from sklearn_crfsuite import CRF
from sklearn_crfsuite import metrics
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import scipy.stats
#my tokenlist has the length n
X_train = [feature_dict_token_1, ... , feature_dict_token_n]
# 3 types of tags, B-SEN for begin of sentence; E-SEN for end of sentence; O-Others
y_train = [tag_token_1, ..., tag_token_n]
# define fixed parameters and parameters to search
crf = sklearn_crfsuite.CRF(
params_space = {
'c1': scipy.stats.expon(scale=0.5),
'c2': scipy.stats.expon(scale=0.05),
labels = ['B-SEN', 'E-SEN', 'O']
# use F1-score for evaluation
f1_scorer = make_scorer(metrics.flat_f1_score,
average='weighted', labels=labels)
# search
rs = RandomizedSearchCV(crf, params_space,
rs.fit([X_train], [y_train])
I used rs.fit([X_train], [y_train])
instead of rs.fit(X_train, y_train)
since the documentation of crf.train says, that it needs a list of lists:
fit(X, y, X_dev=None, y_dev=None)
-X (list of lists of dicts) – Feature dicts for several documents (in a python-crfsuite format).
-y (list of lists of strings) – Labels for several documents.
-X_dev ((optional) list of lists of dicts) – Feature dicts used for testing.
-y_dev ((optional) list of lists of strings) – Labels corresponding to X_dev.
But using a list of lists I get this Error:
ValueError: Cannot have number of splits n_splits=5 greater than the number of samples: n_samples=1
I understand that it is because I use [X_train] and [y_train] respectively and it is not possible to apply CV to a list consisting of one list, but with X_train and y_train crf.fit does not cope. How can i fix this?
According to the official tutorial here, your train/test sets (i.e., X_train
, X_test
) should be a list of lists of dictionaries. For example:
[[{'bias': 1.0,
'word.lower()': 'melbourne',
'word[-3:]': 'rne',
'word[-2:]': 'ne',
'word.isupper()': False,
'word.istitle()': True,
'word.isdigit()': False,
'postag': 'NP'},
{'bias': 1.0,
'word.lower()': '(',
'word[-3:]': '(',
'word[-2:]': '(',
'word.isupper()': False,
'word.istitle()': False,
'word.isdigit()': False,
'postag': 'Fpa'},
[{'bias': 1.0,
'word.lower()': '-',
'word[-3:]': '-',
'word[-2:]': '-',
'word.isupper()': False,
'word.istitle()': False,
'word.isdigit()': False,
'postag': 'Fg',
'postag[:2]': 'Fg'},
{'bias': 1.0,
'word.lower()': '25',
'word[-3:]': '25',
'word[-2:]': '25',
'word.isupper()': False,
'word.istitle()': False,
'word.isdigit()': True,
'postag': 'Z'
The labels sets (i.e., y_tain
and y_test)
should be a list of lists of strings. For instance:
[['B-LOC', 'I-LOC'], ['B-ORG', 'O']]
Then you fit the model as normally:
rs.fit(X_train, y_train)
Please take the tutorial mentioned above to see how that works.