I'm using Redisgraph. I have two node types, Driver and Race, with a relationship from Driver to Race called racedAt. I know that if I query:
MATCH (r:Race)<-[p:racedAt]-(d:Driver)
This returns me the same race n times, where n is the number of drivers. To solve this, I use:
MATCH (r:Race)<-[p:racedAt]-(d:Driver)
RETURN r, collect(p) as p
to have a single Race in _values[0] and every racedAt in _values[1].
Lets' suppose that the racedAt relationship has a property, position; what can I do to sort the _values[1] array by its inner property position?
The result I have:
_values[0]: { name: 'Monza' }
_values[1]: [ { driver: 'Hamilton', position: '2'}, { driver: 'Verstappen', position: '1'} ]
The result I want:
_values[0]: { name: 'Monza' }
_values[1]: [ { driver: 'Verstappen', position: '1'}, { driver: 'Hamilton', position: '2'} ]
Thank you!
before you collect the results:
MATCH (r:Race)<-[p:racedAt]-(d:Driver)
WITH r, p
ORDER BY p.position
RETURN r, collect(p) AS p