So, I have developed an Azure Function triggered by IoT Hub in order to receive messages from devices. And I want to deserialize them (messages received from devices as JSON) to different object types (obs. I am not allowed to change the syntax of messages). Is there a way I can deserialize into the correct object type, based on which message I receive?
Scenario 1: If the message has the following syntax, then deserialization should be of type ReadResponseMessage.
string JsonMessageFromDevice = "{"device_id":"DeviceTest","message_id":0,"port":3,"portValue":false,"time":"2021-08-25 10:18:51","response_status":"Send"}";
ReadResponseMessage MessageReceivedType1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ReadResponseMessage>(JsonMessageFromDevice);
Scenario 2: If the message has the following syntax, then deserialization should be of type EventMessage.
string JsonMessageFromDevice = "{"device_id":"DeviceTest","message_id":1501,"port1":false,"port2":false,"time":"2021-08-25 10:22:02","response_status":"OK"}";
EventMessage MessageReceivedType2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EventMessage>(JsonMessageFromDevice);
class ReadResponseMessage {
public string DeviceID {get; set;}
public int MessageID {get; set;}
public int Port{get; set;}
public bool PortValue {get; set;}
public DateTime Time {get; set;}
public string ResponseStatus{get; set;}
class EventMessage {
public string DeviceID {get; set;}
public int MessageID {get; set;}
public bool Port1{get; set;}
public bool Port2 {get; set;}
public DateTime Time {get; set;}
public string ResponseStatus{get; set;}
string JsonMessageFromDevice = "{"device_id":"DeviceTest","message_id":0,"port":3,"portValue":false,"time":"2021-08-25 10:18:51","response_status":"Send"}";
var oMycustomclassname = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(JsonMessageFromDevice);
var jobject = JObject.Parse(JsonMessageFromDevice);
var result = jobject["port"];
if (result != null)
ReadResponseMessage readResponseMessage = jobject.ToObject<ReadResponseMessage>();
EventMessage eventMessage = jobject.ToObject<EventMessage>();
OR Change model
class ReadResponseMessage {
public string DeviceID {get; set;}
public int MessageID {get; set;}
public Dictionary<String,bool> Port{get; set;} // or List<string> port
public DateTime Time {get; set;}
public string ResponseStatus{get; set;}