I'm configuring the PlantUML plugin for my MkDocs installation and I'm stuck. I cannot configure mkdocs.yml correctly. I get either configuration errors or parsing errors every time I enable this plugin.
The errors are:
ERROR - Config value: 'plugins'. Error: Invalid config options for the > 'build_plantuml' plugin.
Error: MkDocs encountered an error parsing the configuration file:
while parsing a block mapping
in "/home/igor/mksite/mkdocs.yml", line 1, column 1
expected <block end>, but found '<block mapping start>'
in "/home/igor/mksite/mkdocs.yml", line 17, column 5
Error: MkDocs encountered an error parsing the configuration file:
mapping values are not allowed here
in "/home/igor/mksite/mkdocs.yml", line 15, column 13
What is my problem?
Here is my mkdocs.yml file:
site_name: CardsMobile
- index: index.md
- simplePage: simplePage.md
- testUml: testuml.md
- images: images.md
docs_dir: /home/igor/mksite/docs
repo_url: https://github.com/ishahbazyan/mkdocs-test.git/
repo_name: mkdocs-test
- search
- build_plantuml:
- render: local # or "local" for local rendering
- bin_path: /home/igor/mksite/ # ignored when render: server
- server: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml # offical plantuml server
- output_format: svg # or "png"
- diagram_root: docs/diagrams # should reside under docs_dir
- output_folder: out
- input_folder: src
- input_extensions: puml # comma separated list of extensions to parse, by default every file is parsed```
I am using mkdocs with the plugin in a similar configuration. I believe the error is comming from the - bin_path: /home/igor/mksite/ # ignored when render: server
. It is expecting to have a binary that can execute the plantuml. I'm in Windows, so in my case, I have a .bat file calling the plantuml.jar
You should add the path to the binary plantuml file. Or use the option server
- render: server # or "local" for local rendering
To use the plantuml server to render:
- server: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml # offical plantuml server
Hope this is useful.