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iPhone FaceBook Connect returns NULL email if not shared

I have integrated facebook connect into my Xcode 4 project for an iPhone. Here is the code for iPhone FBconnec. FBconnect.h and FBSession.h already included.

- (void)viewDidLoad{ _session = [[FBSession sessionForApplication:@"APPKey" 

FBLoginButton* fbButton = [[[FBLoginButton alloc] init] autorelease];
fbButton.frame = CGRectMake(228, 50, 85, 50);
[self.view addSubview:fbButton]; }

The code is working fine, but for some facebook accounts when run the FQL query to select email from user. I get NULL as shown below

length of users Array: (
    "contact_email" = "<null>";
    email = "<null>";
    "first_name" = Ali;
    "last_name" = Subhani;
    uid = 696377693;

How can I get the extended permission. I am just using following code to run the query. Which contains word params, I think it has to do something with FBRequest. Have a look at the code below

- (void)getFacebookName {

//==================== MAKING FACEBOOK REQUEST =============================
NSString* fql = [NSString stringWithFormat:
                 @"select uid,first_name,last_name,email from user where uid == %lld",
NSDictionary* params =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:fql

[[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self]
 call:@"facebook.fql.query" params:params];}

Where should I enter extended permissions so I can get user email.


  • I use

    [appDelegate.facebook authorize:
      [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
        @"offline_access", @"email", @"user_checkins", @"publish_checkins", nil]
 authorize and request email access (using the @"email" permissions key above). I'm not sure if a user can have NO email address, as they have at least one to login with.

    However, Facebook gives the user the option to obfuscate it from you with an arbitrary account that forwards to their regular email account.