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I am using "jitsi meet" in Flutter. I want to get rid of the menu tabs on the call screen

I want to hide this part.Please tell me how to do that. I've added the code for "featureFlags" below the image, and I wrote the code for "var options = JitsiMeetingOptions(room: url)" below the image.

enter image description here

My code

Future<void> joinMeeting(String url, WidgetRef ref, String docid) async {
  Map<FeatureFlagEnum, bool> featureFlags = {
    FeatureFlagEnum.WELCOME_PAGE_ENABLED: false,
    FeatureFlagEnum.ADD_PEOPLE_ENABLED: false,
    FeatureFlagEnum.CALENDAR_ENABLED: false,
    FeatureFlagEnum.CALL_INTEGRATION_ENABLED: false,
    FeatureFlagEnum.CHAT_ENABLED: false,
    FeatureFlagEnum.INVITE_ENABLED: false,
    FeatureFlagEnum.LIVE_STREAMING_ENABLED: false,
    FeatureFlagEnum.MEETING_NAME_ENABLED: true,
    FeatureFlagEnum.MEETING_PASSWORD_ENABLED: true,
    FeatureFlagEnum.TOOLBOX_ALWAYS_VISIBLE: false,

  var options = JitsiMeetingOptions(room: url)


  • I have modified this flutter plugin for the same issue. In pubspec.yaml,

      ref: jitsimeet_v1
      path: jitsi_meet/

    For hiding overflow menu button, you can use "overflowMenuEnabled" parameter in JitsiMeetingOptions. Something like this:

    var options = JitsiMeetingOptions(room: roomText.text)
      ..serverURL = serverUrl
      ..subject = subjectText.text
      ..userDisplayName = nameText.text
      ..userEmail = emailText.text
      ..iosAppBarRGBAColor = iosAppBarRGBAColor.text
      ..audioOnly = isAudioOnly
      ..audioMuted = isAudioMuted
      ..videoMuted = isVideoMuted
      ..overflowMenuEnabled = isOverflowMenuHidden;