How would I decode this json file with JSONDecoder().decode
"text": "pear",
"parsed": [
"food": {
"foodId": "food_bq6stkiaxkwhxia9q4v7wanjnew0",
"label": "Pear",
"nutrients": {
"PROCNT": 0.36,
"FAT": 0.14,
"CHOCDF": 15.23,
"FIBTG": 3.1
"category": "Generic foods",
"categoryLabel": "food",
"image": ""
"hints": [
"food": {
"foodId": "food_bq6stkiaxkwhxia9q4v7wanjnew0",
"label": "Pear",
"nutrients": {
"PROCNT": 0.36,
"FAT": 0.14,
"CHOCDF": 15.23,
"FIBTG": 3.1
"category": "Generic foods",
"categoryLabel": "food",
"image": ""
"measures": [
"uri": "",
"label": "Whole",
"qualified": [
"qualifiers": [
"uri": "",
"label": "large"
"qualifiers": [
"uri": "",
"label": "small"
"qualifiers": [
"uri": "",
"label": "medium"
"uri": "",
"label": "Serving"
"uri": "",
"label": "Half"
"uri": "",
"label": "Slice"
"uri": "",
"label": "Gram"
"uri": "",
"label": "Ounce"
"uri": "",
"label": "Pound"
"uri": "",
"label": "Kilogram"
"uri": "",
"label": "Cup"
The file goes on and on.
I try to do [String] but it says it expects a dictionary, So I put in a dictionary, then it says it expects another dictionary, This repeats until I have this:
let posts = try! JSONDecoder().decode([String: [String: [String: String]]].self, from: data!)
Then I get the error
"Expected to decode Dictionary<String, Any> but found a string/data instead.", underlyingError: nil))
Though when I go back one to do a string/data I get this error
"Expected to decode String but found a dictionary instead.", underlyingError: nil))
As mentioned in the comments you can use a quick parser, however
you need to understand why is this happening, the issue here is that you're passing [String: [String: [String: String]]]
which is not valid skeleton for this key you can start breaking down each layer alone to understand first level for example [String, Any]
and then start exporting each key and decode that stand alone, using the above link your models should be something like that.
// MARK: - Foo
struct Foo: Codable {
let text: String
let parsed: [Parsed]
let hints: [Hint]
// MARK: - Hint
struct Hint: Codable {
let food: Food
let measures: [Measure]
// MARK: - Food
struct Food: Codable {
let foodID, label: String
let nutrients: Nutrients
let category, categoryLabel: String
let image: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case foodID = "foodId"
case label, nutrients, category, categoryLabel, image
// MARK: - Nutrients
struct Nutrients: Codable {
let enercKcal: Int
let procnt, fat, chocdf, fibtg: Double
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case enercKcal = "ENERC_KCAL"
case procnt = "PROCNT"
case fat = "FAT"
case chocdf = "CHOCDF"
case fibtg = "FIBTG"
// MARK: - Measure
struct Measure: Codable {
let uri: String
let label: String
let qualified: [Qualified]?
// MARK: - Qualified
struct Qualified: Codable {
let qualifiers: [Qualifier]
// MARK: - Qualifier
struct Qualifier: Codable {
let uri: String
let label: String
// MARK: - Parsed
struct Parsed: Codable {
let food: Food
And you can use it simply like this:
let foo = try? newJSONDecoder().decode(Foo.self, from: jsonData)