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How do I make a client http request inside of a akka typed actor?

It seems that the http client request API is for classic actors only:

val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = ""))
     .onComplete {
       case Success(res) => println(res)
       case Failure(_)   => sys.error("something wrong")

I have a akka typed actor and not sure how to make external http requests to my API.

When I added the above inside of my typed actor, I got this error:

could not find implicit value for parameter system:

What options do I have?


  • Typed actor system can be easily converted to a classical one and used to send your http request via akka-http.

    For example, if there is a val of type, you can convert it to a classical one in following way

    val system:[_] = ???
    implicit val classic = system.classicSystem

    So now, any method requiring implicit actorSystem: method parameter will work.

    And from within a typed actor, you can get reference to a context and then to typed actor system, which then converted to classical one

    val behavior = Behaviors.setup[Int] { ctx =>
      implicit val classic = ctx.system.classicSystem