Firstly, I use FasText for language detection. Then, from the language detection, I want to translate from certain language (in this case, Malay) to English. For the translation part, I use Google Translate API using Python. The problem is, the output return NaN value for other language (in this case, English and Thai). I want to return only the translated text only, which is Malay.
from googletrans import Translator
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
translator = Translator()
df = pd.DataFrame({
'text': ["how are you", "suka makan nasi ayam", "สวัสด","hai, apa khabar"],
'lang': ["english", "malay", "thai","malay"]
Dataframe df:
df1=df[df["lang"] == "malay"]
df['text'] = df1['text'].apply(translator.translate, dest='en').apply(getattr, args=('text',))
Generated output:
Desired output:
text | lang
how are you | english
like to eat chicken rice | malay
สวัสด | thai
Hello how are you | malay
You need to use a boolean mask:
translate_en = lambda x: translator.translate(x, dest='en').text
m = df['lang'] == 'malay'
df.loc[m, 'text'] = df.loc[m, 'text'].apply(translate_en)
# Output
text lang
0 how are you english
1 like to eat chicken rice malay
2 สวัสด thai
3 Hello how are you malay
Same with update
df.update(df.loc[m, 'text'].apply(translate_en))
# Output
text lang
0 how are you english
1 like to eat chicken rice malay
2 สวัสด thai
3 Hello how are you malay