I know that generally the object file has code, data, heap and stack sections.
But I want to know how this is arranged in windows executables and Linux executables.
I searched on internet and found some structure.
I understood .text is for code and .data is for global variables.
I want to know here is the stack and heap in both Linux and Windows platform?
Can anybody tell me the executable file structures??
Thanks in advance...
This is the specification that Microsoft has released:
Also this is a good reading on the subject: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc301805.aspx
Stack/Heap are in-memory structures which are created/modified during run-time so in essence they are not in the file itself - they can't be. Think of them as a special place in memory where each and every program can store run-time data and by run-time data I mean variables. function invocations, return values and all the nitty-gritty stuff that are hapening on the low level.