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How to extract an item from a list and add it as a column in dataframe?

I have 3 lists like as shown below

numeric_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=np.number).columns # 3 items `qty`, `age`, `sqft`
date_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=['datetime64']).columns # 2 items
string_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns # 3 items `bucket`, `category`, `level`

Now, I would like to

a) select only one item from numeric cols - qty and all the items from string_cols (so dataframe has to have only 4 columns)

I tried the below

df[[*string_cols]] = df[[*string_cols]]
df.insert(2, "Qty",df['Qty'],True)

Please note that what I have shown is just a sample. In real data, I have millions of rows and 100's of columns. Hence, I would like to follow the above approach.

Can guide me on how can I do this efficiently?


  • You can select subset of columns using a list of column names:

    new_df = df[[*string_cols] + ['Qty']]

    For example, for DataFrame,

    Qty  Age  Sqft bucket category level
    0   11    8   1.0      a        a     a
    1    2    9   0.0      b        b     b
    2    3   10   0.0      c        c     c
    3   18    3   1.0      d        d     d
    4   21    2   NaN      e        e     e
    string_cols = df.select_dtypes(inclue=['object']).columns
    new_df = df[[*string_cols] + ['Qty']]


      bucket category level  Qty
    0      a        a     a   11
    1      b        b     b    2
    2      c        c     c    3
    3      d        d     d   18
    4      e        e     e   21