In a reactive microservice I'm registering to Eureka and using a @LoadBalanced
WebClient to get a response from an instance. Registering in Eureka alone works, but once I add the @LoadBalanced
WebClient I get following error.
2021-05-22 14:31:14.835 INFO 1852 --- [ main] : Getting all instance registry info from the eureka server
2021-05-22 14:31:14.985 ERROR 1852 --- [ main] scoveryClientServiceInstanceListSupplier : Exception occurred while retrieving instances for service
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'scopedTarget.eurekaClient': Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?
at ~[spring-beans-5.3.6.jar:5.3.6]
I assume it is related to the configuration eureka.client.webclient.enabled=true
That's my application and the crucial parts of its configuration.
defaultZone: ${}/eureka/
enabled: true
public class ConsumerApplication {
public Mono<ServerResponse> handler(ServerRequest request) {
return webClientBuilder()
.onErrorResume(e -> Mono.just("Error " + e.getMessage()))
.flatMap(r -> ok().bodyValue(Map.of("Producer says", r)));
public WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder(){
return WebClient.builder();
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> routes() {
return route()
.GET("", this::handler)
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
If instead eureka.client.webclient.enabled=false
is used, everything works perfectly fine. However, I don't think this should be the solution.
DiscoveryClientOptionalArgsConfiguration : Eureka HTTP Client uses RestTemplate.
How would I go about using a @LoadBalanced
WebClient together with eureka.client.webclient.enabled=true
Had the same problem, this is how I fixed it.
public WebClient.Builder lbWebClient() {
return WebClient.builder();
public WebClient.Builder webClient() {
return WebClient.builder();
Use @Qualifier later on to used the loadbalanced one.