Hope you guys doin well,
I'm curious about how can a certain string like @
and #
can trigger a popup of a user and channels in Odoo Chatter & Discuss. This chatter has mail.thread
Models related to it but i can't seem to understand how is it possible to create my own custom trigger in chatter?
Is it belong to certain views and not in models? Any help will be appreciated!
Those are suggestion delimiters for the models used to update the suggestion list.
const suggestionDelimiters = ['@', ':', '#', '/'];
For example @
is used to fetch partners (mail.partner model) matching a given search term. The _updateSuggestionList
function will search the suggestions, sort them then will show (update) the popup list
To add a new custom trigger, you need add the delimiter to the suggestionDelimiters list and alter the _computeSuggestionModelName function to return the related model, the model must be defined like the mail.partner model.
If you want to patch an existing model, check the following example (taken from the hr module):
/** @odoo-module **/
import {
} from '@mail/model/model_core';
import { attr, one2one } from '@mail/model/model_field';
// Patch model
registerInstancePatchModel('mail.partner', 'hr/static/src/models/partner/partner.js', {
async checkIsEmployee() {
await this.async(() => this.messaging.models['hr.employee'].performRpcSearchRead({
context: { active_test: false },
domain: [['user_partner_id', '=', this.id]],
fields: ['user_id', 'user_partner_id'],
this.update({ hasCheckedEmployee: true });
// Patch fields
registerFieldPatchModel('mail.partner', 'hr/static/src/models/partner/partner.js', {
hasCheckedEmployee: attr({
default: false,