The object of this app is to allow input text and URLs to be saved to localStorage. It is working properly, however, there is a lot of repeat code.
For example, localStoredValues
and URLStoredVAlues
both getItem
from localStorage
. localStoredValues
gets previous input values from localStorage
whereas URLStoredVAlues
gets previous URLs from localStorage
and updateURLArray
use spread operator to iterate of
previous values and store new values.
I would like to make the code more "DRY" and wanted suggestions.
/*global chrome*/
import {useState} from 'react';
import List from './components/List'
import { SaveBtn, DeleteBtn, DisplayBtn, TabBtn} from "./components/Buttons"
function App() {
const [myLeads, setMyLeads] = useState([]);
const [leadValue, setLeadValue] = useState({
inputVal: "",
//these items are used for the state of localStorage
const [display, setDisplay] = useState(false);
const localStoredValues = JSON.parse(
localStorage.getItem("localValue") || "[]"
let updateLocalArray = [...localStoredValues, leadValue.inputVal]
//this item is used for the state of localStorage for URLS
const URLStoredVAlues = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("URLValue") || "[]")
const tabBtn = () => {
chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) {
const url = tabs[0].url;
setMyLeads((prev) => [...prev, url]);
// update state of localStorage
let updateURLArray = [...URLStoredVAlues, url];
localStorage.setItem("URLValue", JSON.stringify(updateURLArray));
//handles change of input value
const handleChange = (event) => {
const { name, value } =;
setLeadValue((prev) => {
return {
[name]: value,
const saveBtn = () => {
setMyLeads((prev) => [...prev, leadValue.inputVal]);
// update state of localStorage
localStorage.setItem("localValue", JSON.stringify(updateLocalArray))
const displayBtn = () => {
const deleteBtn = () => {
const listItem = => {
return <List key={led} val={led} />;
//interates through localStorage items returns each as undordered list item
const displayLocalItems = => {
return <List key={item} val={item} />;
const displayTabUrls = => {
return <List key={url} val={url} />;
return (
<SaveBtn saveBtn={saveBtn} />
<TabBtn tabBtn={tabBtn} />
<DisplayBtn displayBtn={displayBtn} />
<DeleteBtn deleteBtn={deleteBtn} />
{/* displays === true show localstorage items in unordered list
else hide localstorage items */}
{display && (
export default App
Those keys could be declared as const
and reused, instead of passing strings around:
const LOCAL_VALUE = "localValue";
const URL_VALUE = "URLValue";
You could create a utility function that retrieves from local storage, returns the default array if missing, and parses the JSON:
function getLocalValue(key) {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key) || "[]")
And then would use it instead of repeating the logic when retrieving "localValue" and "URLValue":
const localStoredValues = getLocalValue(LOCAL_VALUE)
//this item is used for the state of localStorage for URLS
const URLStoredVAlues = getLocalValue(URL_VALUE)
Similarly, with the setter logic:
function setLocalValue(key, value) {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value))
and then use it:
// update state of localStorage
let updateURLArray = [...URLStoredVAlues, url];
setLocalValue(URL_VALUE, updateURLArray);
// update state of localStorage
setLocalValue(LOCAL_VALUE, updateLocalArray)