My project use Django framework and installed django-import-export plugin. I can import and export everything normally. But when i imported file to database. All new records from file upload was imported successfully. but old record that is not in the new records not delete.
ID , Name , wage
1 , Mr.A , 100
2 , Mr.B , 110
3 , Mr.C , 150
ID , Name , wage
1 , Mr.A , 100
2 , Mr.B , 150
4 , Mr.D , 130
ID , Name , wage
1 , Mr.A , 100
2 , Mr.B , 150
3 , Mr.C , 150 # < this not delete
4 , Mr.D , 130
I want it to be like this in database.
ID , Name , wage
1 , Mr.A , 100
2 , Mr.B , 150
4 , Mr.D , 130
How i can to delete old record when imported using django-import-export plugins?
here my code
class PersonalResource(resources.ModelResource):
class Meta:
model = Personal
import_id_fields = ('p_id',)
class PersonalAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin,admin.ModelAdmin):
resource_class = PersonalResource
list_display = ['p_id','name','poistion','dept']
search_fields = ['p_id']
won't do this for you by default, but you can easily add some hooks to achieve this.
You can track the id of each row imported or updated, and then delete any others at the end of the import.
for example:
class PersonalResource(resources.ModelResource):
instances_to_keep = set()
def after_save_instance(self, instance, using_transactions, dry_run):
def after_import(self, dataset, result, using_transactions, dry_run, **kwargs):
class Meta:
model = Personal
import_id_fields = ('p_id',)
Some points to note: