What is the sweet spot PC configuration to download and build android AOSP (as of 2022)? I am new to PC building and don't have much knowledge about PC
You can see the complete system requirements and recomendations at https://source.android.com/setup/build/requirements
- A 64-bit environment is required for Android 2.3.x (Gingerbread) and higher versions, including the master branch. You can compile older versions on 32-bit systems.
- At least 250GB of free disk space to check out the code and an extra 150 GB to build it. If you conduct multiple builds, you need additional space.
- At least 16 GB of available RAM is required, but Google recommends 64 GB. As of June 2021, Google is using 72-core machines with 64 GB of RAM internally, which take about 40 minutes for a full build (and just a few minutes for incremental builds, depending on exactly which files were modified). By contrast, a 6-core machine with a similar amount of RAM takes 3 hours.