I've looked for an answer everywhere but I can't get my head around this...
I need to plot a bar graph of a filtered dataframe with pandas:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nestedDict = {'A': {'apples': 3,
'bananas': 5,
'oranges': 6,
'kiwis': 9},
'B': {'dog': 1,
'bananas': 9,
'oranges': 3,
'kiwis': 1},
'C': {'rain': 6,
'bananas': 9,
'oranges': 3,
'kiwis': 3}}
def plot_lig():
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(nestedDict)
df.index = df.index.str.split()
df.index.name = 'residue'
df2 = df[df <= 6].dropna()
When I run this function the bar plot shows only "oranges".
If I remove .dropna, instead, it will include ALL the labes in the X axis (all the ticks) even if the filtered result will not be plotted due to the filter.
I want to plot all the result from my filtered selection discarding the filtered data and their correspective x ticks.
Thanks again!
nestedDict = nestedDict[nestedDict <= -0.25] #set filter first
nestedDict.dropna(how='all', inplace=True) #added the 'all' keyword makes you keep the columns with single outliers
df2.plot(kind='bar', edgecolor='black')
plt.legend(['X var', 'Y var', 'Z var'])
hope this might help someone else!