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Tally XML Get GST Rate Setup by Stock Group

I am able to get the GST rates grouped by Stock Group using the below XML, but How do i pass the stock group in this request so that i can get GST Rates for items under the particular stock group

    <ID>GST Rate Setup</ID>

I tried to pass the stock group name using static variables, but since i don't know the variable name, i am getting nowhere.


  • We can create Custom reports by extending existing reports in TDL definition

    In below xml I extended GST Rate Setup by mentioning in use Tag

    To known the variable used in report we need to refer TDL code which is available in TDL Developer ApplicationSource Code Screenshot

    Here we are overwriting Stock Group Name by setting testgroup

    Replace testgroup with whatever group youwant

        <ID>Cust GST Rate Setup</ID>
                <SVShowAll>No</SVShowAll >
                    <Report ISMODIFY="No" ISFIXED="No" ISINITIALIZE="No" ISOPTION="No" ISINTERNAL="No" NAME="Cust GST Rate Setup">
                        <Use>GST Rate Setup</Use>
                        <Set>Stock Group Name:testgroup</Set>
                        <Form>GST Rate Setup</Form>