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How to call Laravel Model function with parameter into Vuejs (for calculating stock Qunatity)?

I have three model 1.Fertilizer, 2. Fertilizer Stock, 3.Fertilizer Sale. 2 & 3 have foreign key relation(fertilizer_id) & mysql quantity column . I want to calculate individual Fertilizer stock quantity in my fertilizer model and append with fertilizerController in inertia index page. What's Wrong with my code?


 * Display a listing of the resource.
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index( Request $request)
    return Inertia::render('Fertilizers/Index', [
        'fertilizers' => Fertilizer::with('stocks')
        'query'  => $request->all(),


    protected $appends = ['stocks'];
 * Determines one-to-many relation
 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo
public function units()
   return $this->belongsTo(Unit::class);

Stock Function

public function getStocksAttribute(){
$stock_quantity = FertilizerStock::where(['fertilizer_id', $this->id])->sum('quantity');
$sale_quantity = FertilizerSell::where(['fertilizer_id', $this->id])->sum('quantity');
return $stock_quantity - $sale_quantity;}


  • Add this on your Fertilizer Model.

        public function getStockAttribute()
        $fertilizerId= $this->id;
        $fertilizerStock = FertilizerStock::where('fertilizer_id',$fertilizerId)->sum('quantity');
        $fertilizerSells = FertilizerSell::where('fertilizer_id',$fertilizerId)->sum('quantity');
        return $fertilizerStock-$fertilizerSells;