Let me show you what I have done successfully and what I am trying to achieve now.
I have 2 models. Both has same 3 fields. Name, Month, Number. Two models are Main and BMO.
I filter the first model based on name and month and get the values list of the number column. Code looks like this-
result= Main.objects.filter(name="John", month='apr').values_list('number', flat=True)
Then I display that on django template with a for loop and conditional. Code looks like this -
{% for i in result %}
{{i}}{% if not forloop.last %}+{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
result = 2+4+12+7+18
The last line showing you how it actually looks on the template. You can see I display it with + signs between the values.
What I want to achieve:
I want to get the sames values list but instead of showing it on the template I want to insert it to another model's field. Just to be clear I want all the values with plus sign included (the way it looks on my template) to be inserted in a single field of the second model BMO. If I have 10 values they should all be joined by plus sign and added in a single field, not spread into 10 rows of a column.
I filtered the second model BMO based on name and month and tried updating the number with .update() method. I added the following line of code in views.py right below the first line of code. I am not using the template at all.
result= Main.objects.filter(name="John", month='apr').values_list('number', flat=True)
Bmo.objects.filter(name="test", month='apr).update(number = result)
It didn't change or add anything to it. So I tried a new line of code with a for loop like this -
result= Main.objects.filter(name="John", month='apr').values_list('number', flat=True)
for i in result:
Bmo.objects.filter(name__icontains = 'test').update(number = i)
This also didn't change a thing. There is only 1 row with name 'test' so I didn't bother with month filter. Wasn't totally convinced with the for loop but I had successfully updated categories with name match with this exact code before so thought this might work. The difference is the category was a single string like category='personal' instead of a variable or multiple variables as in this case.
I think I am very close to achieving what I want to , within a line or two codes. If there is a simpler way of doing what I am trying to do, I am all ears. Thank you for any input.
After getting the answer from Ahtisham I updated the code. But it hasn't changed anything unfortunately. I am trying it within the same model. Nothing breaks. No errors in console. I run the code and nothing happens. Here is how the main part of views.py looks:
def index(request):
form = BmoForm()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = BmoForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
R = Bmo.objects.all()
result = Bmo.objects.filter(name="Transfer", month=var).values_list('number', flat=True)
number = str()
count = len(products1)
new = 12+3
for index, r in enumerate(products1):
number +=str(r) + '+' if count != index+1 else str(r)
Bmo.objects.filter(name = "test", month = "apr").update(number = number)
The variable "new" is there for test only. When I hard code the variable to update with, it works. But it won't update with variable "number".
You can do it like this:
result = Main.objects.filter(
name="John", month='apr'
).values_list('number', flat=True)
number = str()
count = len(result)
for index, r in enumerate(result):
number += str(r) + '+' if count != index + 1 else str(r)
Bmo.objects.filter(name="test", month='apr').update(number = number)