The principle of the script is that it should connect from one virtual machine to another via an SSH connection and generate a certain number of folders. The script runs, but when executed, generates folders on the host machine.
import os
from paramiko import SSHClient, AutoAddPolicy
from sys import argv
address = argv[1]
port = int(argv[2])
name = argv[3]
path = argv[4]
prefix = argv[5]
counts = int(argv[6])
mode = int(argv[7])
def generateFolders(path, prefix, counts, mode):
for i in range(1, counts+1):
folderName = prefix + str(i)
pth = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), path, folderName)
os.mkdir(pth, mode)
command = generateFolders(path, prefix, counts, mode)
client1 = SSHClient()
client1.connect(address, username=name, password='1')
stdin, stdout, stderr = client1.exec_command(command)
The command in the terminal
But without a script, I can connect to another virtual machine
Jane, its making dirs on your local box because that is where the python script is running.
I suggest you look at this question and answer.
In that QandA, they show how to use ssh on the local box to execute commands on a remote box. You could use your existing code as the code which is run on the remote box using the above as your guide.
Specifically this this one