Here is my MutableStateFlow value I try to work with:
val songList: MutableStateFlow<MutableList<Song>> = MutableStateFlow(arrayListOf())
I need to observe changes (after methods like add, removeAt etc.) on my MutableList above but can't achieve that. My guess is since only the elements of the list change instead of the list itself, collect method doesn't get fired.
How can I achieve that using StateFlow if possible? If not, what is the correct way to do it?
Note that I need initial value of arrayListOf(), so LiveData probably won't be enough for me.
Helpful reading: Notify LiveData observers when nested properties change
What is the issue:
StateFlow and LiveData won't get notified if the nested field gets changed.
Ex 1: Update specific item of a List (not add/remove).
Ex 2: Update specifc property of an object.
Create helper extension function:
fun <T> List<T>.mapButReplace(targetItem: T, newItem: T) = map {
if (it == targetItem) {
} else {
React on action (ex: click event):
val newStudent = student.copy(isSelected = !student.isSelected)
viewModel.updateStudents(student, newStudent)
Handle in ViewModel
fun updateStudents(currentStudent: Student, newStudent: Student) {
val newList = _students.value.mapButReplace(currentStudent, newStudent)
_students.value = newList