I have some dictionary of form:
Test = {'∧I': '([A, B] ⊦ ("A"∧B))', '∧E 1': "([(A∧B)] ⊦ 'A')", '∧E 2': '([(A∧B)] ⊦ B)'}
is their a simple way to convert it into some string without the '' around the values, means:
{'∧I': '([A, B] ⊦ ("A"∧B))', '∧E 1': ([(A∧B)] ⊦ A), '∧E 2': ([(A∧B)] ⊦ B)}
The problem with:
str1 = f'{Test}'.replace('"','')
itself is that the dictionary itself uses " or ' inside some strings.
I posted some similar post with lists. But unfortunately its a little bit difficult to transfer it on dictionaries.
str_ = "{" + ", ".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in Test.items()]) + "}"